
Showing posts with the label Skin Barrier


DAMAGED MOISTURE BARRIER Apa jadi kalau moisture barrier of our skin rosak/damaged? Kulit totally akan jadi bermasalah, too dry, too oily, too sensitive at the same time & even worst, over dehydrated. Skin barrier boleh rosak sebab banyak faktor, antaranya disebabkan faktor usia, over-exfoliate, kurang hydration, guna harsh products with harsh ingredients (contoh pakai produk yang ada kandungan alcohol yang tinggi), cuaca, environment, over-exposed towards sunlight, pakai cleanser yg high pH (pH more than 7), & cuci muka dengan cleanser berlebihan kadang sampai 3x sehari (over cleansing). Semua ni boleh jadi antara penyebabnya.  So kena repair balik your skin barrier dengan hydrate skin with hydrating products. Hydrating products ni tak kisah dalam bentuk toner ke, face mist, lotion, essence, serum, moisturiser or ampoule ke, yang penting blh hydrate kan skin & ada hydrating ingredients in it. Nak repair skin barrier, hydration is the key.  Not just that