
Showing posts with the label PHA


AHA, BHA & PHA (CHEMICAL EXFOLIATORS) Bila cakap pasal direct acid, perkataan “acid” tu sendiri dah boleh trigger korang punya reactions towards direct acids itself. Sore & tingling skin is definitely is one of the effect yang some of you guys will think of.  To those yang dah biasa menggunakan acids dalam routine korang, kebanyakkan korang sendiri aware yang include acids dalam skincare regime korang is definitely an answer to a pretty much flawless & less bumpy complexion.  So basically chemical exfoliation ada 3 jenis (AHA, BHA & PHA). Ketiga2 ni sangat2 membantu untuk exfoliate skin, minimise acne, pudarkan pigmentation, pudarkan parut hitam & parut jerawat & skin pun akan rasa less bumpy. All those tiny bumps pon can easily subside.  AHA AHA ni lebih sesuai untuk mereka yg berkulit kering, normal to dry skin atau combination more to dry. Tapi all skin type pon boleh je pakai. No problem. AHA ni water soluble & hydr...