
Showing posts with the label Acne


PUNCA JERAWAT Bila muka naik jerawat/breakout tak semestinya disebabkan produk. It can be anything. Boleh jadi disebabkan oleh hormonal changes, the skincare itself, ada ingredient dalam skincare yang skin kita memang tak boleh nak adapt/tolerate, dairy intake/sugar/oily foods, environment/dirts/air pollution/bedsheet tak tukar/phone u tak selalu wipes, tak cuci muka dengan bersih, & your lifestyles. Lifestyles tak sihat pon boleh je jadi punca. The one that always jadi kat kekra now is hormonal acne. So setiap kali nak period or during my period cycle, i memang tak kan introduce any new products to my skin & kekra akan try to minimal kan penggunaan skincare, which is i lebih suka back to basic & kurangkan layering. During this time, hormon kita is in imbalance state tau, so selalunya hormonal acne ni memang akan menyerang waktu period, so tak nak lagi worse, advisable to not introduce any new skincare products masa tengah period or nak dekat time2 period.