TINTED MOISTURIZER Apa benda kah tinted moisturizer ni kan? Tinted moisturizer ni just like normal moisturizer but with slight tint in it. Kire nya dia ada shades or warna sikit just like bb cream or cc cream. Tapi berbeza dari bb or cc cream or even light foundation. Dia provide slight tint or sedikit color or shades to skin compared to foundation, dan dia more lightweight & for me macam no coverage at all. Tinted moisturizer ni selalu nya contain humectants, anti-oxidants, spf, & ingredient2 lain seperti iron oxides, titanium dioxide. Beza foundation dengan tinted moisturizer ni adalah, tinted moisturizer lebih kepada gives hydration to skin or untuk melembabkan kulit tapi at the same time the color dalam tinted moisturizer tu helps to even out the complexion on our face or even out our eneven skin tone. Macam foundation dapat cover flaws, fine lines or even acne marks, tapi tinted moisturizer ni dia tiada coverage pon, kalau ada pon, sangat2 light. Tapi oran...