
Showing posts from July, 2020


HOW LONG SKINCARE REALLY TAKES TO WORK? Skincare ni bukan hari ni pakai esok terus nampak result or any skin changes & it’s actually depends pada skin masing2 jugak. Please do remember, serum kalau kita bru pakai 2/3 minggu or even sebulan sekali pon, tak kan terus bagi you any drastic result or changes. It takes even more longer time depending on your skin tolerant.  Some of you suka tanye, kesan dia boleh nampak cepat tak? Do not expect hari ni pakai esok lusa dah flawless, you dah cerah bagai. It will not happened overnight dear. Yes, mungkin dalam tempoh seminggu ke ada lah perubahan macam maybe your parut hitam nampak pudar ke, but for me, untuk nampak betul2 berkesan, at least sebulan lebih. Especially you pakai produk yang dihasilkan dari natural derived ingredient bukan nya product contain mercury or hydroquinone ke yang confirm result dia lebih cepat dari biasa.  So the key is consistency. Kalau rajin apply, rajin buat all the basic skincare routine, rajin


TINTED MOISTURIZER Apa benda kah tinted moisturizer ni kan? Tinted moisturizer ni just like normal moisturizer but with slight tint in it. Kire nya dia ada shades or warna sikit just like bb cream or cc cream. Tapi berbeza dari bb or cc cream or even light foundation. Dia provide slight tint or sedikit color or shades to skin compared to foundation, dan dia more lightweight & for me macam no coverage at all.  Tinted moisturizer ni selalu nya contain humectants, anti-oxidants, spf, & ingredient2 lain seperti iron oxides, titanium dioxide. Beza foundation dengan tinted moisturizer ni adalah, tinted moisturizer lebih kepada gives hydration to skin or untuk melembabkan kulit tapi at the same time the color dalam tinted moisturizer tu helps to even out the complexion on our face or even out our eneven skin tone. Macam foundation dapat cover flaws, fine lines or even acne marks, tapi tinted moisturizer ni dia tiada coverage pon, kalau ada pon, sangat2 light. Tapi orang su


SUNSCREEN FUN FACTS - Bila pilih sunscreen, pilih lah sunscreen yg broad spectrum sunscreen. Which is dapat protect both UVA & UVB. UVA rays normally akan buat skin jadi premature aging, wrinkles & dark spots. UVB rays pulak boleh menyebabkan sunburn pada kulit. Sebab tu the best sunscreen is sunscreen yang dapat offer broad spectrum protection. Which is i believe nowadays semua sunscreen over the counter memang dah boleh protect UVA & UVB.  - Apply sunscreen sekurang2 nya dua jari (two fingers rule)atau 2 ruas jari (2 finger tips rule)  atau sebesar duit 20sen/50 sen utk full protection (selalu nya kalau besar 50 sen ni untuk sunscreen yg watery in texture). Anddd tengok pada texture. If your sunscreen tu texture nya agak thick/heavy texture, korang pakai 2 ruas jari sahaja. Kalau jenis tone up sunscreen pon advisable pakai 2 ruas jari/secukupnya satu muka tu. Tak perlu dua jari full tu. Takut too heavy for skin & endup masalah lain pulak timbul macam


TINTED SUNSCREEN Hye! Ade lagi ke antara korang yang keluar rumah tak pakai lansung protection aka sunscreen / sunblock ni waktu siang? Memang ada kan? Korang tahu tak, UVA & UVB can cause harmful effects mcm skin sunburn, wrinkles, dark spots, pigmentation, premature aging & paling worst skin cancer. Especially cuaca kat Malaysia boleh ni yang panas lit lit. Memang dah tahap wajib pakai sunscreen dah setiap kali keluar rumah waktu siang. Selagi ada matahri, selagi tu we need sunscreen. Hari ni kita nk cerita pasal tinted sunscreen. Tinted sunscreen ni sunscreen yang ada color/shades macam bb cream tu. Colored-base sunscreen lah kiranya. Tinted sunscreen ni macam complexion-enhancers. So skin akan nampak glow in a healthy way. Tinted sunscreen ni jugak orang pakai sebab cepat & tak payah dah nak pakai foundation or bb cream bagai sebab dah ada color. Tapi nak pakai pon no problem. Terpulang. So it’s a multi task sunscreen. Kebanyakkan tinted sunscreen ni ade 3 i


PUNCA JERAWAT Bila muka naik jerawat/breakout tak semestinya disebabkan produk. It can be anything. Boleh jadi disebabkan oleh hormonal changes, the skincare itself, ada ingredient dalam skincare yang skin kita memang tak boleh nak adapt/tolerate, dairy intake/sugar/oily foods, environment/dirts/air pollution/bedsheet tak tukar/phone u tak selalu wipes, tak cuci muka dengan bersih, & your lifestyles. Lifestyles tak sihat pon boleh je jadi punca. The one that always jadi kat kekra now is hormonal acne. So setiap kali nak period or during my period cycle, i memang tak kan introduce any new products to my skin & kekra akan try to minimal kan penggunaan skincare, which is i lebih suka back to basic & kurangkan layering. During this time, hormon kita is in imbalance state tau, so selalunya hormonal acne ni memang akan menyerang waktu period, so tak nak lagi worse, advisable to not introduce any new skincare products masa tengah period or nak dekat time2 period. 


AHA, BHA & PHA (CHEMICAL EXFOLIATORS) Bila cakap pasal direct acid, perkataan “acid” tu sendiri dah boleh trigger korang punya reactions towards direct acids itself. Sore & tingling skin is definitely is one of the effect yang some of you guys will think of.  To those yang dah biasa menggunakan acids dalam routine korang, kebanyakkan korang sendiri aware yang include acids dalam skincare regime korang is definitely an answer to a pretty much flawless & less bumpy complexion.  So basically chemical exfoliation ada 3 jenis (AHA, BHA & PHA). Ketiga2 ni sangat2 membantu untuk exfoliate skin, minimise acne, pudarkan pigmentation, pudarkan parut hitam & parut jerawat & skin pun akan rasa less bumpy. All those tiny bumps pon can easily subside.  AHA AHA ni lebih sesuai untuk mereka yg berkulit kering, normal to dry skin atau combination more to dry. Tapi all skin type pon boleh je pakai. No problem. AHA ni water soluble & hydrating at the s


COMPACT POWDER Hai. Hari ni nak ceghita pasal Compact Powder or Pressed Powder or bedak padat. Org selalu usung dlm beg kadang sebab nk touch up makeup. Satu lgi very handy & xmudah tumpah n so on mcm loose powder. Compact powder ni beza dari loose powder sebab nye kebanyakkan loose powder dh diformulasi dgn moisturizer or pelembab &  oil. So that’s why tekstur die lebih berat lh banding dgn loose powder.  Sape yg sesuai pakai? Normal to dry skin condition yg sesuai pakai compact powder. Sebab ingredient die yg blh bg extra moist to the skin. Kalau org oily skin pakai akan buat ur makeup feel greasy & cakey. Pastu rase too heavy on ur face. Endup, it may clogged ur pores syg. Jerawat pn blh senang tumbuh dgn melataaaa. So oily skin condition, always go for loose powder ok 😁. Tp tp tp ade je compact powder yg sesuaiii utk oily skin. Nnt tgk kt pic ok. Kekra bg contoh ☺️ Nak guna mcm mana pula? apply compact powder kalau blh xperlu guna their own puff. But g


JERAWAT PASIR/WHITEHEAD/TINY BUMPS/CLOSED COMEDONES Tiny bumps lah benda paling selalu naik dekat muka kekra ni. Lepas dh ok muka, licin smooth je, after a few days ada balik. Usually tiny bumps, cc, whitehead ni semua can easily come & go. Normal lah tu. Yang penting korang tahu mcm mana nak treat dia so that tak jadi lagiiii teruk & naik laaagii banyak. U can control it with proper ways. That’s why skincare routine ni komitmen sepanjang hayat. Bukan hari ni buat skincare routine beria, esok lusa skip pulak. Dengan harapan sekali buat kekal seumur hidop. Kau bukan pakai susuk oiii. Ngertik? #TipsbyIraNorman View this article on FB :


MOISTURISER FOR SKIN BARRIER Bila skin korang rasa over drying, tight (rasa ketat/tegang), dan easily irritated meaning that it’s a sign that your skin’s protective moisture barrier damaged/off balance. Moisture barrier is outermost layer of the skin. So this outermost layer ni lah yang akan protect skin untuk retain water & moisture & also make sure to protect skin dari irritation, environmental debris, bacteria, dirts semua ni dari penetrate ke kulit. So senang cerita skin barrier ni macam bodyguards to our skin. Bila skin barrier rosak, water & moisture tadi tu akan mudah tersejat ke udara (water loss) sebab tu skin mudah kering, rasa tight je, senang nak irritate & jadi lebih sensitif dari biasa. Sebab utama, skin dah hilang protective ‘bodyguard’ tadi. Simptoms2 skin barrier off balance : - Redness - Rosacea - Flaky skin - Peeling (menggelupas at certain area of the face) - Kulit kering (over drying) - Dehydration - Tightness - Skin lebih mudah